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Англо-русский юридический словарь - community


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Перевод с английского языка community на русский


1) община; население общины

2) общество

3) общность; общность имущества

4) объединение; сообщество

5) государство

community of acquestscommunity of criminal purposecommunity of goodscommunity of nationscommunity of unlawful purposecriminal communitygovernmental communityinstitutional communityintelligence communityinternational communitylaw enforcement communityprison communitytherapeutic correctional community

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) община; коллектив2) жилой комплекс3) микрорайон4) сообщество5) населённый пункт6) общественность•low-income communitynew urban community developmentremote communityresidential communityrural communitytarget community ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  в соч.research community ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • группа населения, объединенная по национальному признаку• группа населения, объединенная по расовому признаку• группа населения, объединенная по религиозному признаку ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  centre здание/помещение для проведения культурных и общественных мероприятий COMMUNITY theatre amer. непрофессиональный (любительский) театр COMMUNITY of goods общность владения имуществом COMMUNITY noun  1) община  2) группа лиц, объединенных какими-л. признаками; объединение, сообщество national communities - национальные образования - world community - childrens community - business community  3) (the community) общество the interests of the community - интересы общества  4) общность - community of goods  5) местность, населенный пункт, округа; микрорайон; жители микрорайона  6) attr. общественный - community centre - community theatre ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. община foreign community in a country —- община иностранцев в какой-л стране religious community —- религиозная община community of monks —- монашеская обитель 2. группа населения (объединенная по религиозному, расовому или национальному признаку) Greek and Turkish communities in Cyprus —- греческая и турецкая общины на Кипре 3. (the community) общество the welfare of the community —- благосостояние общества community study —- социологическое исследование 4. населенный пункт 5. работники, кадры scientific community —- научная общественность; научные круги business community —- деловые круги 6. сообщество, объединение; содружество international community —- международное сообщество European Coal and Steel C. —- Европейское объединение угля и стали 7. биол. сообщество, ценоз, фитоценоз, зооценоз 8. общность community of goods —- общность владения имуществом community of thoughts and feeling —- общность мыслей и чувств community of race —- принадлежность к одной расе 9. общий, неспециальный community theater —- ам. непрофессионалный театр community singing —- выступления народного хора community medicine —- медицинское обслуживание какого-л района 10. общественный community playground —- общественная детская или спортивная площадка community kitchen —- ам. общественная кухня community spirit —- чувство принадлежности...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сообщество, содружество Группа людей, объединенных общностью места жительства, интересов, происхождением, общими взглядами или принадлежностью к одной и той же организации. Весьма часто употребляемое слово в американском варианте английского языка и часто неверно переводимое. В контексте может передаваться как 1) микрорайон (сообщество людей, живущих в определенном квартале городе и сам этот квартал) 2) этническая община (сообщество людей, объединенных этнической принадлежностью) 3) группа людей, объединенных общими интересами (профессиональными, идеологическими, религиозными, например, medical community = медицинские работники, медики; Catholic community = католики, католическая община) 4) группа избирателей и т. п. Это слово имеет самое широкое значение и лишь приблизительно соответствует русскому понятию "коллектив" 2. общность интересов и т. п. COMMUNITY (The Community) полит. "Сообщество" Внешнеполитический истеблишмент, высшие чиновники, занятые в сфере внешней политики и национальной безопасности ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) сообщество 2) общность – abstract community – alluvial community – Alpino-Arctic community – animal community – aquatic community – biotic community – chersic community – climax community – closed community – continuously stable community – culture plant community – dependent community – evergreen community – extraregional community – half-culture community – initial community – lawn community – midseral plant community – monodominant community – more-layered community – mosaic community – one-layered community – open community – pattern community – permanent community – pluristratal community – polydominant community – primary community – regional community – secondary community – seminatural community – seral community – terminal community – transitional community – unistratal community – weed community ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. European Community COMMUNITY общность; объединение – community of interests – business community – international community – social community – verbal community COMMUNITY сущ. 1) община, общество, общность 2) объединение, содружество, сообщество 3) поселок • - Community Act - Economic Community of Central African States - Economic Community of West African States - European Coal and Steel Community - European Community - European Economic Community - community antenna television - community bank - community development - community facilities - community of goods - community of interest - community of interests - community planning - community property - industrial community - international community - local community - urban-type community - village community Syn: society, institute, institution, association ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) общность; сообщество 2) община, объединение 3) общий 4) общественный community indifference curve — кривая общественного безразличия - scientific community ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  община; общество; объединение bedroom community residential community satellite new community ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сообщество; контингент 2) биоценоз, биологическое сообщество ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a all the people living in a specific locality. b a specific locality, including its inhabitants. 2 a body of people having a religion, a profession, etc., in common (the immigrant community). 3 fellowship of interests etc.; similarity (community of intellect). 4 a monastic, socialistic, etc. body practising common ownership. 5 joint ownership or liability (community of goods). 6 (prec. by the) the public. 7 a body of nations unified by common interests. 8 Ecol. a group of animals or plants living or growing together in the same area. Phrases and idioms community centre a place providing social etc. facilities for a neighbourhood. community charge (in the UK) a tax levied locally on every adult in a community. community chest US a fund for charity and welfare work in a community. community home Brit. a centre for housing young offenders and other juveniles in need of custodial care. community service order an order for a convicted offender to perform a period of unpaid work in the community. community singing singing by a large crowd or group, esp. of old popular songs or hymns. community spirit a feeling of belonging to a community, expressed in mutual support etc. Etymology: ME f. OF comunet{eacute} f. L communitas -tatis (as COMMON) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English comunete, from Anglo-French communite, from Latin communitat-, communitas, from communis  Date: 14th century  1. a unified body of individuals: as  a. state, commonwealth  b. the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly the area itself the problems of a large ~  c. an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location  d. a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society a ~ of retired persons  e. a group linked by a common policy  f. a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests the international ~  g. a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society the academic ~  2. society at large  3.  a. joint ownership or participation ~ of goods  b. common character ; likeness ~ of interests  c. social activity ; fellowship  d. a social state or condition ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (communities) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The community is all the people who live in a particular area or place. He’s well liked by people in the community... The growth of such vigilante gangs has worried community leaders, police and politicians. N-SING-COLL: usu the N 2. A particular community is a group of people who are similar in some way. The police haven’t really done anything for the black community in particular. ...the business community. N-COUNT-COLL: usu supp N 3. Community is friendship between different people or groups, and a sense of having something in common. Two of our greatest strengths are diversity and community. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PEOPLE« (countable, also + plural v BrE) BrE all the people who live in the same area, town etc  (an arts centre built to serve the whole community | community affairs/needs/relations etc)  (We meet once a month to discuss community problems. | community spirit (=the desire to be friendly with and help other people who live in the same community)) 2 »PARTICULAR GROUP« sense of community the feeling that you belong to a group of people because you live in the same area 3 a group of people who share the same nationality or religion or who are similar in another way  (There are many different ethnic communities living in New York. | the gay community) 4 the community society and the people in it  (The trend is towards reintegrating mentally ill people into the community. | the international community (=all the countries of the world))  (- see also EC) 5 »PLANTS/ANIMALS« a group of plants or animals that live in the same environment  (Communities of otters are slowly returning to several British rivers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1375, from O.Fr. communitй, from L. communitatem (nom. communitas) "community, fellowship," from communis (see common). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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